WFP at COP 27: Climate adaptation solutions needed to halt global food crisis

Medical & Health

ROME – As world leaders gather at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt next month, WFP highlights the urgent need for climate adaptation solutions to stem the tide of growing hunger. The unfolding global food crisis cannot be stopped until we support communities and nations to manage the risks associated with a changing climate.

Extreme climate impacts like droughts, heatwaves and floods are one of the leading causes of hunger destroying crops and agricultural land, decimating livelihoods and wreaking havoc in already vulnerable communities. A shocking 40 percent of the global population lives in areas that are already highly vulnerable to climate extremes.

At COP27, WFP is showcasing solutions to avert and minimize loss and damage in vulnerable livelihoods and food systems. WFP is also calling for increased investment in climate adaptation for communities in fragile contexts, and the transformation of global food systems towards greener, more equitable and resilient pathways.

WFP is making available to the media experts at COP27 who can comment on the changing climate, its impact on food security and WFP solutions:

Gernot Laganda – WFP Director of Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction

Martin Frick – Climate and Food Systems Expert and Director of the WFP Berlin Office

Corinne Fleischer – WFP Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa

Menghestab Haile – WFP Regional Director for Southern Africa

Mathieu Dubreuil – WFP Climate Insurance Expert

Elizabeth Nyamayaro – WFP Special Advisor

(Other experts available on request)

**WFP is also pleased to invite media to a press conference **on Saturday 12 November at 11:30am at the press conference room ‘Cairo’ in the Nefertiti Area. For registrations contact:; +39 342 123 5169

WFP will be present at the following sessions at COP 27.

The Climate Emergency is a Hunger Emergency, UNFCCC Pavilion, 8 November, 2pm

Environmentally Sustainable Solutions to Climate Change – Impact on vulnerable communities in Egypt and other African countries, UN in Egypt Pavilion, 9 November, 5pm

Climate-resilient food systems and peace: Exploring the interconnections, Room 8, 11 November 1:15pm

Turning Ambition into Action through the Power of Partnerships: Scaling up Anticipatory Action, UAE Pavillion, 12 November 10am

Disrupt Hunger | Innovating For People And Planet, UNFCCC Pavilion, 17 November 4pm

Join us on Twitter Spaces @WFP:

25 October, 10am – Loss and Damage: Solutions for communities on the frontlines

31 October, 11am – Anticipatory Action: First-hand accounts

**Examples of WFP’s work from the forefront of climate and hunger – **video footage here, photos here.

Source: World Food Programme