Vershinin, Pedersen discuss latest developments in Syria


Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin discussed with UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, developments in the situation in Syria.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Thursday, “Vershinin and Pedersen discussed the issues of settling the crisis in Syria, and special attention was paid to the tasks of advancing the political process led and implemented by the Syrians themselves with the support of the United Nations, while respecting the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria as stipulated in the Security Council’s resolution No. 2254.”

“The urgent issues related to providing comprehensive humanitarian assistance to all those in need in Syria were considered, including in order to quickly overcome the repercussions of the earthquake that occurred on the 6th of last February,” the statement added.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the two sides underlined the need to provide assistance to the Syrians without discrimination and politicization and without preconditions and in accordance with the principles and rules of the international humanitarian law.”

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency