U.S. First Lady Visits Marrakech’s Ben Youssef Madrasa


U.S. First Lady Jill Biden on Sunday visited the Ben Youssef Madrasa; an opportunity to discover and appreciate this architectural jewel steeped in history, located in the heart of the ancient Medina of Marrakech.

Upon her arrival, the first lady of the United States of America was welcomed by the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, the Wali of the Marrakech-Safi region and Governor of the Marrakesh Prefecture, Karim Kassi-Lahlou, the President of the Marrakesh Municipal Council, Fatima Ezzahra El Mansouri, and the President of the Regional Council, Samir Koudar.

During her visit to the various rooms of this historical and educational institution, the First Lady of the United States received explanations on this historical and architectural site of rare beauty, witness to a brilliant stage of the Kingdom’s secular history.

Jill Biden was also briefed on the role and missions of this building as a center for Islamic education and learning, focusing mainly on Quranic studies and Islamic sciences.

The Ben Youssef Madrasa, whose architecture is a perfect illustration of Moroccan and Andalusian know-how, had served as a theological faculty and welcomed students from different regions of North Africa and elsewhere.

Founded in 1565 during the reign of the Saadid dynasty by Sultan Abdellah Al-Ghalib, the Madrasa was named after the Merinid Sultan Abu Al Hassan Ali Ibn Othman, also known as Ben Youssef, who reigned at the beginning of the 14th century.

In order to preserve and enhance this cultural and civilizational site rich in history, His Majesty King Mohammed VI had launched in 2017 the restoration works of the Madrasa, which, once completed, have greatly contributed to the enhancement of this emblematic monument.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse