The organization’s executive committee calls for escalation in the face of the occupation due to the continuation of war and settlement


Ramallah – Ma’an – The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization held a meeting on Saturday to follow up on its decisions to confront the escalating Israeli measures against our people in Gaza and the West Bank, represented by the continuation of the war of extermination in the Gaza Strip and the invasions and attacks in the West Bank.

The meeting discussed the recent decisions of the occupation government related to the legalization of so-called colonial outposts, the construction of thousands of colonial settlement units, the imposition of more sieges on Palestinian cities, towns, villages and camps in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the seizure of more Palestinian lands.

The Executive Committee decided to confront and confront all these measures, and to call on all Palestinian forces and the masses of our people to stand together and with all comprehensive popular and political means to confront these policies and measures.

The Executive Committee affirmed that the Palestinian
people will remain in their land, and all the occupation’s efforts to liquidate our national cause and the ongoing displacement and Judaization projects will fail, affirming its adherence to their legitimate rights to independence, freedom and return.

She stressed the need to protect the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the continuation of its mandate and work in its five areas of operation, in light of the occupation’s positions aimed at ending its work and eliminating the right of return of refugees based on Resolution 194.

The Executive Committee discussed the unjust decisions taken by the Commissioner of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees to dismiss four members of the Union of Workers in the West Bank region, including the president of the Union, and punitive measures towards seven other members.

It called on the Commissioner-General to immediately stop these escalatory measures that contradict the understandings that took place between the
Executive Committee and UNRWA.

The Executive Committee also approved the speed of action at all international and regional levels, including heading to the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly, and the International Court of Justice, which confirms its role as the highest judicial body affiliated with the United Nations, and continuing to push the decisions of the International Criminal Court in order to arrest and prosecute war criminals. From the occupation leaders and officials.

The Executive Committee confirmed a number of decisions and measures to strengthen and preserve the organization as the sole legitimate representative of our Palestinian people, and adherence to Palestinian national unity, which constitutes a safety valve to protect our people.

The executive stressed the importance of continuing to support our heroic prisoners and detainees languishing in the occupation’s cells, and rejecting the occupation policy aimed at breaking their steadfastness, especially our male and female pris
oners from the Gaza Strip, who number in the thousands, in light of killing and forced disappearance, leading to assaults, sexual crimes, and rape, which requires rapid intervention to protect our male and female prisoners. Rejecting the policy of torture, isolation, and killing through all institutions of the international community that talk about democracy and human rights, and when it comes to the occupation, double standards and double standards are used.

The Executive Committee called for more mass movements and activities to support our prisoners in all governorates of the country, all refugee camps, the diaspora, and the various capitals of the world.

Source: Maan News Agency