The occupation arrests a young man from Tafouh


Hebron – Ma’an – The occupation forces arrested, before dawn today, a young man from the town of Tafuuh, after raiding his house and carefully searching it. The occupation patrols also roamed several neighborhoods and streets in the city of Hebron, and the occupation forces stormed the town of Al-Samou, south of Hebron, and no arrests were reported.

Local sources reported that the occupation forces arrested the young man, Usaid Adel Al-Tarda, after raiding his house.

In a separate context, the occupation army raided the home of citizen Mahdi Fouad Al-Amour in the village of Al-Tuwanah, last night, and the soldiers stopped the workers from working on the roof of the house.

The coordinator of the protection and resilience committees in the mountains of South Hebron, Fouad Al-Amour, said that the house is located within the structural plan of the village of Al-Tuwanah, and its owner has been building it for a year, but they were surprised when the army raided the house and prevented them from working.

e: Maan News Agency