The Culture Committee Discusses With The IMN The Second Amendment To The IMN’s Law


The Culture, Tourism, Antiquities and Media Committee in the House of Representatives hosted the Iraqi Media Network, in the presence of the head of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, Muayyad Al-Lami, and a number of media specialists.

During the hosting, according to a statement by the committee, the second amendment to the articles and paragraphs of the Iraqi Media Network Law No. 26 of 2015 as amended was discussed.

The first vice-chairman of the committee confirmed: “The committee is determined to finalize the second amendment to the network law in the coming days, after the law has matured in a way that is compatible with the current changes and the requirements of the stage.”

The committee listened to many observations and proposals, in order to advance the status of the network, and ensure that powers do not overlap and distribute tasks in accordance with the law, noting the addition of some paragraphs to address gaps in the current law in order to organize work, grant positions in the network to qualified and holders of specialization certificates, and address all pivotal issues of the network and its employees.

The committee decided to prepare the final version of the draft amendment of the law after taking into account all opinions, and to present it on the agenda of the Parliament sessions.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency