Settlers attack citizens south and east of Hebron


Hebron-Ma’an- Groups of settlers, under the protection of occupation soldiers, attacked citizens in the village of Umm al-Khair in Masafer Yatta, and in the Bani Na’im desert, in the West Bank. The occupation army also confiscated two bulldozers.

The coordinator of the Popular and National Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements in South Hebron, Ratib al-Jabour, explained that groups of settlers from the ‘Karmiel’ settlement attacked, today, Saturday, under the protection of occupation soldiers, citizens in the village of Umm al-Khair and sprayed them with pepper gas, causing a number of them to suffer from suffocation.

Al-Jabour added that settlers attacked the house of citizen Adel Nassar, pointed their machine guns at his children, and broke the interior doors of the house, causing terror among the children. They also destroyed the contents of the house of citizen Atiya Salem Abu Shkhidem in the Masafer Bani Naim wilderness.

He pointed out that the settlers were wearing occupation army uniforms du
ring the attack.

In a related context, the occupation army confiscated two bulldozers, belonging to citizens Ismail Al-Jabbarin and Jalal Hoshiyeh, while they were working to reclaim citizens’ lands in Mankat Al-Buwaib, northeast of Yatta, south of Hebron.

Source: Maan News Agency