
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Monday stressed that the Israeli enemy is facing a historical dilemma in Gaza- if it halts the war, it will be a major defeat, and it will move into an abyss if it continues the military battle.

Addressing Hezbollah’s memorial ceremony marking the eighth martyrdom anniversary of military commander Martyr Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine, Sayyed Nasrallah concentrated on the challenge of goals between the Palestinian Resistance and the Zionist enemy.

Sayyed Nasrallah maintained that the Palestinian resistance wanted Al-Aqsa Flood Operation to be a chance to revitalize the Palestinian cause and remind the whole world with the Palestine and Palestinian rights thrown in the oblivion.

On the other hand, some Arab regimes promoted ‘Israel’ as a normal entity that preserves democracy, according to Hezbollah leader, who added that the steadfastness of women, children and resistance fighters in Gaza has changed this situation.

Nowadays, Palestinian and the Palestinian
rights are being highlighted all over the world, Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that over 140 states voted for granting Palestine a full UN membership.

Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that the Israeli envoy’s act of shredding a copy of UN Charter over a vote in favor of Palestinian rights displays the Zionist arrogance and carelessness about the international resolutions.

The most important political media scene that reflects the victory of the Palestinian resistance is the moment the Israeli UN envoy raised the picture of Hamas military commander Yahya Al-Sinwar.

Sayyed Nasrallah underlined the pro-Palestine protests held by the university students in the United States, Australia France, Britain, Germany and several European countries, adding that those rallies outraged the Israeli and US officials.

The steadfastness of the Palestinian people since October 7 has obliged the whole world to accept the notion of establishing a Palestinian state, even the hypocritical US administration is now considering a Palestin
ian state, Sayyed Nasrallah said.

Al-Aqsa Flood Operation and the multi-front war between the resistance movements and the Zionist enemy have exposed the criminal and barbaric essence of the Zionist enemy, according to Hezbollah Chief.

Hezbollah Secretary General called for concentrating on the remarks of the Israeli presidents, ministers, generals and various officials, away from all what the pro-Zionist Arabs say.

Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that none in the Zionist entity is capable of claiming victory in Gaza eight months since the start of the war, adding that the Israelis mock Netanyahu when he says the occupation army is about to achieve victory in the Strip.

Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned that the Israelis tell the Zionist officials that three main targets of the war-eradicating Hamas, liberating the captives, and protecting the settlements from Gaza missiles- have not been achieved yet.

Hezbollah leader said that Hamas continues fighting the Zionist occupation forces across Gaza, holding most of the
Israeli captives, and firing missiles at the Zionist settlements in the south of occupied Palestine.

Sayyed Nasrallah added that the Israelis also failed to achieve the implicit targets, including displacing Gaza locals, noting that the Gazans showed a great steadfastness against this scheme.

”Israel’ presents itself as the most powerful ‘state’ in the region, claims to have the most powerful army in the region, and obtains the support of the most powerful country in the world, the United States of America which provides it with hundreds of war jets, dozens of warships, military bridge, expertise, technology, satellites, and intelligence agencies.’

The United States of America even interferes to defend ‘Israel’ against the Yemenis in the Red Sea and in face of the Iranian missiles as well as drones, Sayyed Nasrallah noted.

‘Imagine how ‘Israel’ with such capabilities and US support fails to achieve any of its targets in Gaza over 8 months.’

‘Gaza, an area of around 270 square kilometers, has been besieg
ed since 20 years, with modest military capabilities.’

Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that this reflects inability, not just failure, and leads the Zionists to lose confidence in this entity with its political, security and military command.

Sayyed Nasrallah cited the Israeli polls which indicated that 30% of the Israelis consider that the entity is unsuitable for a decent life and 70% of them demand the resignation of the commander-in-chief.

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that ‘Israel’ has also failed to reconstruct the deterrence image in face of the entire resistance axis in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Yemen.

According to Sayyed Nasrallah, ‘Israel’ does not even have any minimal assumption about the political era in Gaza after the war, which leads the army into successive daunting battles.

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that the pro-Zionist Arabs utilize the numbers of martyrs in Gaza to promote surrender instead of denouncing the Israeli criminality in an act treachery.

Hezbollah chief dismissed the US ploy
of blocking military shipment to the Zionist entity, warning against the American deception.

Sayyed Nasrallah underlined that Hamas approval of the Egyptian ceasefire proposal shocked Netanyahu and made the US officials swallow their tongues and abstain from denouncing the Zionist obstruction of the solution process.

‘The US administration also vetoes any vote for Palestine’s membership,threatens to sanction any state that voices intention to recognize a Palestinian state and the ICC judges if they issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu, and persecutes the students protesting in favor of Gaza despite all the freedom and human rights slogans.’

Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that Hezbollah will continue its border battle against the Israeli enemy in support of Gaza and impose more rules of engagement, adding that the Resistance command may escalate the front.

Sayyed Nasrallah called on the Israeli settlers displaced from Northern Palestine to demand their government to stop its war on Gaza in order to retur
n to ‘their houses’ before September 1.

Displaced Syrians

Hezbollah Secretary General pointed out that all the Lebanese parties, except for some beneficiaries, agree that the displaced Syrians file is now problematic and must be addressed.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the USA and Europe are responsible for preventing the displaced Syrians in Lebanon from returning to Syria, calling on the Lebanese authorities to challenge the foreign will by letting the displaced Syrians move into Europe by sea.

This issue can be easily addressed whenever bravery and political will are presented in face of the foreign pressures, threats, and interventions, Sayyed Nasrallah said.

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that the Lebanese authorities must communicate with the Syrian government in order to facilitate the return of the displaced, underlining the importance of demanding the revocation of Caesar Act overburdening Syria economically.

Martyr Badreddine

Sayyed Nasrallah recalled the real badges gained by the Islamic Resist
ance Commander Sayyed Mustaf Badreddine, mentioning martyr Sayyed Zulfiqar’s Medals of the Combatant Man, the Wounded, the Detainee, the Commander, the Achievements’ Maker, and the martyr.

Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated condolences and felicitations to the noble family of martyr Badreddine, adding that the Resistance might on the borders recalls the martyred commanders, including Hajj Imad Mughniyeh, Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine, Hajj Qassem Suleimani, Hajj Mohammad Rida Zahedi, and Radhi Al-Mousawi.

Sayyed Nasrallah said that Hezbollah combat drones striking the Israeli enemy nowadays recall the martyred commander Hassan Al-Lakkis.

Sayyed Nasrallah summarized the achievements of Sayyed Badreddine in face of the Zionist enemy and during the negotiations aimed at concluding prisoner swap deals, concentrating on his feat of fighting the terrorist groups in Syria.

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that the foreign plots wanted Syria to move into the US influence circle, adding that, however, the sacrifices of Sayyed Zulf
ikar and the rest of the martyrs preserved the pro-resistance stance of Syria.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon