RSF: More than 100 Journalists Killed within 6 Months in Gaza


Paris, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said on Tuesday that the Israeli army killed around 105 journalists since Oct. 7, including at least 22 who were killed while carrying out their work. Access to Gaza remains impossible under daily bombardment, while the gradual evacuation of reporters continues.

RSF reiterates its call to the international community to step up pressure on Israel for an end to this massacre, and make efforts to protect Palestinian journalism.

When asked by RSF about what journalists in Gaza need the most, they said that “protection” is the most important thing that the profession needs today in the Strip, as they live in daily terror where the Strip has become completely besieged.

Despite repeated calls from various non-governmental organizations, including RSF, for the Rafah border crossing to be opened, entry into the Gaza Strip is still limited to journalists accompanying Israeli military forces, and they are restricted to covering Israeli permitted areas only. Meanwhile, only a sma
ll number of Palestinian journalists were evacuated from Gaza.

Source: Qatar News Agency