Presidents of Turkiye, Palestine Discuss Developments in Palestinian Territories


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, met in Ankara, on Wednesday, with his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas, to discuss latest developments in the occupied Palestinian territories.

President Abbas reiterated, during the meeting, the Palestinian position to reach an immediate ceasefire to stop shedding the blood of more defenseless innocents, ensure full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and halt the relentless assaults in West Bank, including Jerusalem.

He stressed the importance of stopping the dangerous incursions into the Islamic and Christian sanctities in Jerusalem, refraining from squeezing the Palestinian economy, and releasing of Palestinian clearance funds, in preparation for returning to a political horizon based on international legitimacy, in accordance with the two-state solution.

For his part, Turkish President reiterated his country’s supportive positions for the Palestinian people and their right to freedom, independence and establishing their independent state on their nation
al territory.

Source: Qatar News Agency