Political Analysts to QNA: Stopping War on Gaza, Establishing Palestinian State Are at Top of Arab Summit Agenda


Achieving a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and building a unified Arab vision to mobilize the efforts to establish the Palestinian state is topping the agenda of the 33rd regular session of the Arab League Summit in Bahrain, in light of the ongoing Israeli war on the Strip and the difficult humanitarian conditions it has caused.

In this context, several political analysts discussed, in statements to Qatar News Agency , the Arab efforts to stop this aggression and provide support to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. They also addressed the movements related to halting the escalation of Israeli aggression in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, as well as mechanisms to pressure the international community to reach a comprehensive solution and initiate a political process leading to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Deputy Director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies Dr. Amr Hashem Rabie told QNA that Gaza is at the top of the Arab Summit’s agenda, emphasizing the need to end the war on the Strip and rebuild it, n the face of the continuing brutal aggression by the Israeli occupation since October 7, which has led to the deaths of tens of thousands, in addition to the humanitarian catastrophe affecting 2.5 million Palestinian citizens due to this brutal war.

Rabie pointed out that this ongoing aggression requires Arab leaders, during the Arab League Summit, to adopt a common Arab stance to urgently stop the war and address the roots of this aggression. He noted that the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation carried out by the resistance has forcefully brought the Palestinian issue back to the forefront.

Rabie emphasized the necessity of utilizing the many mechanisms and sources of power and pressure available to Arab countries to reach a just solution to the Palestinian issue, explaining that the Arab Summit is expected to address the two-state solution and matters related to investigating the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation in the Strip, in addition to adopting a common Arab vision on Palestinian reconciliation and ways to achieve it on the ground, while confronting the greater challenge facing the Arab nation, which is resisting normalization with the Israeli occupation.

In a related context, Professor of political science at Ummah University Dr. Hussam Al Dajani told QNA that there are broad hopes pinned on the Arab Summit, which will be more keen to adopt an approach that takes into consideration the situation and humanitarian reality in the Gaza Strip. This includes exerting pressure on the international community to compel the Israeli occupation to accept a two-state solution and initiate a political process leading to the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Al Dajani stressed that reaching a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue must precede any discussion of returning to normal and the reconstruction process in the Gaza Strip. Arab countries fear that investing their money in rebuilding Gaza would only see it destroyed again by the Israeli occupation, he said, adding that the scenario of repeated wars and Israeli aggression on Gaza or Palestinian territories remains a present and potent threat as long as there are no definitive solutions to the problem of occupation.

Al Dajani questioned how do the people of Gaza endure the bitter humanitarian situation amidst this war that has destroyed more than half of Gaza’s buildings, institutions, and infrastructure? He stressed that the answer should come from the Arab Summit by considering all matters related to this situation, starting with the humanitarian reality, and then working to allocate more funds for Gaza’s reconstruction regardless of the reasons. He added that this is what the Palestinian people hope for in order to shelter civilians and build infrastructure related to hospitals, schools, and roads.

Professor of Political Science at Suez Canal University Dr. Gamal Salama stated to QNA that the Arab Summit in Bahrain will prioritize discussions on ways to achieve a ceasefire and halt Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip. Afterward, the reconstruction of the Strip, which has witnessed unprecedented destruction and devastation, will be addressed, which requires significant Arab and international efforts to restore life to its normalcy, with Arab diplomatic efforts currently leading in both fronts.

Salama emphasized that the Palestinian people and Arab nations are heavily relying on the Arab Summit to address this crucial issue. This also necessitates coordination within the Arab stance to continue intensive efforts on the international level and to devise mechanisms to pressure the relevant parties, whether the United States, Israel, or the European Union, all of which can contribute in one way or another to this issue, in order to reach comprehensive solutions and activate international will to halt the war on Gaza, deliver humanitarian aid, and establish a Palestinian state. He highlighted the importance of building upon the current momentum within the international community for the establishment of a Palestinian state, which has recently been positively reflected in the Security Council’s vote in favor of a resolution proposed by Algeria for Palestine to gain full membership in the United Nations. This resolution received support from twelve members, while the United States exercised its veto power
against it.

Dr. Ayman Samir, an expert in international relations, noted in statements to QNA that the Palestinian issue and the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip will be the main focus of various activities during the Arab Summit in Bahrain. He explained that the final statement of the Arab Summit is likely to commend the significant efforts of Qatar and the Arab Republic of Egypt and express gratitude for their mediation role since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza to reach a ceasefire and halt the fighting in the sector. Samir added that the efforts of both countries have been enormous, surpassing the efforts of any other party or mediator.

Samir also pointed out that the Arab Summit is expected, in its final statement, to call for a permanent and sustainable ceasefire in all occupied Palestinian territories, the entry of humanitarian, relief, medical, and food aid into the Gaza Strip, as well as emphasize support to the Palestinian people and their right to establish their independent state with its capital in East Jerusalem, based on the borders of June 4, 1967. He stressed that there is currently an Arab effort regarding the future of the Palestinian issue, the necessity of the establishment of the Palestinian state, and the world’s recognition of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, whether bilaterally or collectively, meaning that each state recognizes Palestine or there is a decision by the Security Council in this regard.

He added that Arab leaders will also condemn the Israeli massacres committed during the aggression on the Gaza Strip, including extrajudicial executions, mass graves, the killing of nearly 35,000 Palestinians, and the injury of over 70,000 others. They will stress the need to punish the perpetrators and reject attempts of forced displacement of Palestinians, considering it a war crime.

Source: Qatar News Agency