Palestinian in Morocco Sees in Humanitarian Aid to Gaza an Unprecedented Initiative to Alleviate Palestinians’ Suffering


Rabat – Morocco’s humanitarian aid, delivered on HM the King’s High Instructions as Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee for the Palestinian populations of Gaza and Al-Quds, is an unprecedented initiative that will alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians during the blessed month of Ramadan, said Jamal El Khawajah, a Palestinian who has been living in Morocco for 30 years.

Speaking to MAP, El Khawajah underlined that this aid is a further illustration of the Sovereign’s sincere affection for the Palestinian people, stressing that “our families in Palestine appreciate this humanitarian gesture and express their gratitude to HM the King.”

“This humanitarian gesture will bring joy to the hearts of the people of Gaza and Al-Quds, insofar as this aid will be delivered directly to them to alleviate their suffering, in a context marked by the blockage of several international aid trucks at border crossings and the difficulty of delivering aid.”

He also affirmed that, thanks to HM the King’s solicitude for the Pal
estinian people, Morocco has always been at the forefront of humanitarian initiatives aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Palestinians, which has been carried out in this blessed month thanks to this unprecedented initiative responding to the pressing needs of the populations of Gaza and Al-Quds.

HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, had given His Most High Instructions for the deployment of a humanitarian food aid operation, by land, for the Palestinian population of Gaza and the Holy City of Al-Quds.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse