Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emphasizes Importance of Stopping Situation Unfolding in Gaza Immediately


Doha: Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Majed bin Mohammed Al Ansari has emphasized the importance of stopping the situation unfolding in the Gaza Strip immediately and not in the coming days, calling on the international community to uphold its responsibility and confront every crime committed by the occupation authority separately.

Dr. Al Ansari pointed out that the escalation in Rafah is unacceptable and directly contributes to expanding violence, targeting the civilians and perpetuating the catastrophe, highlighting the figures cited by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) which affirmed that over 900 people have fled to Rafah, south of the enclave, due to the military operations, along with the operations ongoing in Jabalia that have devastated the civilians directly, resulting in the third and fourth wave of displacements as part of this escalation only.

During the weekly press briefing organized by the Ministry of Forei
gn Affairs, Dr. Al Ansari underscored that any escalation on the Gaza Strip disrupts the efforts of ending the crisis, highlighting that the situation there reached the bottom of this humanitarian catastrophe. He expressed regret over the deterioration of humanitarian conditions on a daily basis, stressing that the Israeli side should not be allowed to do whatever it wants militarily on the ground.

Regarding the role of the floating pier to get aid into the Gaza Strip, Dr. Al Ansari underscored that from the first day of the war the State of Qatar has been constantly affirming that there is no alternative but to open all crossings and never close them whatsoever, emphasizing that delivering the assistance through land is an optimal solution, in terms of procedural and logistical aspect to ensure getting large amount of aid permanently, since all other means such as airdropping and dropping by sea are less efficient.

Dr. Al Ansari pointed out that the State of Qatar has provided all kinds of support, in term
s of getting aid into the Strip and ensuring the assistance is getting there permanently, stressing that the State of Qatar vehemently rejects the forced displacement of the Palestinians from their lands. He affirmed that this position is shared by most peace-loving countries, adding that the State of Qatar will never accept a second Nakba (setback) to engulf the Palestinians once again through moving them outside their territories whatsoever.

As to the General Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister and his Minister of Defense, along with three leaders of Hamas on charges of committing war crimes, the Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs outlined that such positions are required to be considered within their general framework, which is the fact that the international community should not keep silent over the violence against the civilians, pointing out that since the first day of war, the State of Qatar has rejected all for
ms of targeting civilians, in addition to its ironclad commitment to supporting the international law and all conventions Qatar has signed.

Dr. Al Ansari added that the State of Qatar always supports the principles of accountability and justice in the international community in general, stressing that it is important to never anticipate events and types of decisions the ICC might take pertaining to these warrants. He pointed out that the State of Qatar is not a party to Rome Statute that constitutes the ICC.

Regarding the developments in the West Bank, Dr. Al Ansari highlighted that before Oct. 7 incidents and the beginning of war on the Gaza Strip, violations were dragging on and were unequivocal before human rights organizations and international law, indicating that the world was overlooking the plight of the Palestinians in general.

Dr. Al Ansari added that the critical situation, the humanitarian catastrophe, and the constant crimes in the Gaza Strip draw foremost attention, stressing the unwavering p
osition of the State of Qatar to stop the violations in the West Bank, which evidently expose each region to perilous consequences pertaining to the security of the region. He highlighted that the Palestinians in the West Bank are suffering on daily basis both from settlers’ violations and assaults and the state with its multiple bodies.

Dr. Al Ansari stressed the need for the international community to stand up to the situation in the West Bank, which cannot be linked to what happened on Oct. 7, adding that these violations and attacks are intended to weaken the Palestinian people’s steadfast will.

He added that repeated attempts to weaken the Palestinians will fail and create further security challenges for Israel, calling for the international community to not allow Israel to exploit the world’s preoccupation with what is happening in the Gaza Strip to commit more violations in the West Bank and the rest of the Palestinian territories.

Dr. Al Ansari added that the European Union was processing a prop
osal to allow a visa-free travel to the Schengen Area for Qatari nationals, highlighting that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)’s priorities would include efforts to conclude further agreements that streamline Qataris’ travel and enhance the Qatar passport ranking.

He also reviewed the MOFA’s meetings and involvement in regional and international events, and the statements issued by the state as a result of urgent events, including the launch of the Global Security Forum 2024. He highlighted HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani’s opening speech at the Forum, along with His Excellency’s meeting with several visiting ministers and UN officials.

Dr. Al Ansari touched on HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi’s Central America tour that includes Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, where he will hold several political meetings and consultations. He also highlighted HE Minister of State for Internati
onal Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater’s opening of the high-level strategic dialogue between the State of Qatar and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and her bilateral meetings with a number of Iraqi and Lebanese officials, and its upcoming visit to Sweden and Brussels to participate in a conference on supporting Syria and the region.

Highlighting the State of Qatar’s humanitarian efforts, he said that a Qatari relief plane carried 40 tons of aid supplies to the Gaza Strip, taking the total to 96 planes and 4,766 tons of aid. As for Afghanistan, the fifth plane arrived there carrying 42 tons of food aid. and medical supplies, bringing the total aid to 167 tons. Also, a Qatari fifth plane landed in Afghanistan with 42 tons of food and medical supplies onboard, bringing the total aid to 167 tons.

Dr. Al Ansari highlighted several statements by the State of Qatar this week, including a one strongly condemning an Israeli minister’
s call to activate settlements and prevent humanitarian aid from the Gaza Strip, and another strongly condemning the attempt to assassinate Slovakia’s prime minister and a third strongly condemning the coup attempt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Dr. Al Ansari began the weekly media briefing by offering condolences to the government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the death of HE President Ebrahim Raisi and HE Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and the officials accompanying them, following a helicopter crash on Monday, highlighting the condolence cables sent by HH the Amir, HH the Deputy Amir, and HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, who also made a phone call with the acting Iranian Foreign Minister.

Source: Qatar News Agency