News of Dismissal of Nador Local Prison Director is ‘Totally Unfounded’ (Clarification)Speaker meets Mirahmadi: Both countries determined to fight terrorism


Rabat – The management of the Nador local prison has stated that the news published by certain websites on the dismissal of the penal institution’s director “because of a series of suicides among inmates” is “totally unfounded”.

In a clarification responding to allegations published by certain websites on “the dismissal of the director of the Nador local prison because of a series of suicides among inmates” and “the death in mysterious conditions of a sub-Saharan resident”, the management of this penal institution stressed that the director “performs his duties in a normal manner”.

On the matter of the increasing number of suicides among the prison’s residents, the management explained that it concerns a Palestinian inmate who had already attempted to end his life on October 8, 2023, by taking an overdose of a drug, before being evacuated to hospital, where he received the necessary care, noting that he was suffering from psychological and neurological disorders and was taking medication adapted to his con

Regarding the allegation of the “mysterious death of an inmate of African origin”, the same source reported that “a national of Guinea Conakry passed away on October 29, 2023 in the public hospital, suffering from intestinal pain”, adding that the person concerned had previously benefited from 12 medical examinations within the penal institution, and had been transferred eight times to the hospital, where he had undergone CT and MRI scans, as well as analyses.

The allegations published are nothing more than an attempt to disrupt the normal operation of the institution and damage the image of its staff in the eyes of the public, the same source concluded.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse

Damascus, Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Hammoudah Sabbagh, received on Monday Iran’s Deputy Interior Minister for Security and Police affairs, Majid Mirahmadi, and an accompanying delegation.

The Speaker described as ‘deep and historic’ the relations that bind Syria and Iran which ‘was baptized’ by the pure bloods to confront global terrorism during the war to which Syria was exposed in addition to the coercive measures that affected the livelihood of Syrians.

‘Syria and Iran are subjected to a conspiracy led by the US and the Zionist entity, but the two states have determination to go ahead in the path of resistance,’ Sabbagh said.

Mirahmadi, for his part, highly appreciated Syria’s support to Iran since the rise of the Islamic revolution, stressing the importance of boosting bilateral cooperation and the exchange of expertise in all domains.

The Iranian official reaffirmed his country’s support for Syria in combating the US and Zionist -backed terrorism.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency