Morocco, Azerbaijan Share Respect for Pluralism, Cultural diversity (Speaker)


Speaking at the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of former President Heydar Aliyev of Azerbaijan, Mr. Talbi Alami said “we share with your country, just like with other brotherly and friendly countries present among us, the same national, historical, political, and ethical responsibility in countering secession, protecting territorial integrity, and fiercely and tirelessly defending national sovereignty”.

“We also share the same determination to achieve economic ascension and social cohesion under the Rule of Law, the State of institutions, and real pluralism, which is part of our identity and essence”, he added.

“In the Moroccan case, our success story is associated with three glorious Kings: the hero of national liberation and father of the nation, the late King Mohammed V, the founder of modern Morocco and its united nation, the late King Hassan II, and the leader of Morocco’s present emergence, His Majesty King Mohammed VI”, said Mr Talbi Alami, stressing that both countries have much in common and share numerous horizons.

“One of the lessons that one can draw from the success story of Azerbaijan (the Land of Fire and Lights) is that Islam and traditions, on the one hand, and progress, on the other, can, in fact, go together”, he said, adding that it is the same lesson that other success stories confirm in Eurasia, the Arab Gulf, and the Middle East, as well as in the Moroccan model.

According to Mr Talbi Alami, Azerbaijan’s success story is proof that diversity and difference, with respect for each country’s characteristics, contexts, and political traditions, are true assets for progress and evolution, whereas replicating pre-existing cultural and political models and imposing them on the world usually end up in deadlock and cultural schizophrenia.

If history of countries is, in various cases, linked to particular names that populations venerate and recall, then the renaissance of Azerbaijan is undoubtedly associated with the name of President Heydar Aliyev, he said, adding that the country, thanks to its unity around its leadership and owing to the efforts, competences, vigilance, and wisdom of its elites, is, today, one of the striking examples of ascending renaissance, despite the challenging regional and international context.

Azerbaijan, with its achievements, cultural diversity, the degree of awareness of its population, and its ability to innovate in the production and apportionment of wealth, thus enabling the emergence of a large middle class that carries modernity, and other factors, is a regional stability hub, and one of the countries that affirm that modernity and democracy are not in conflict with moderate and tolerant Islam, noted Mr Talbi Alami.

Mr Talbi Alami will, during his stay in Baku, hold bilateral meetings and discussions with heads of parliaments and delegations participating in the celebrations, in particular with speaker of the Azeri National Assembly.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse