Lower House Sees in Morocco’s Election to UNHRC Presidency a Recognition of Kingdom’s Efforts in Human Rights


Rabat – Morocco’s election to the presidency of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) is a recognition of the efforts made by the Kingdom under the enlightened leadership of HM King Mohammed VI in the field of human rights, in all its dimensions and generations, and their implementation in public policies and national reforms, the House of Representatives said.

In a speech delivered on behalf of the House of Representatives at the opening of Monday’s oral questions session, Deputy Speaker Mohamed Joudar said that “this election is a remarkable event and an important step in the process of human rights, not only at the national but also at the international level.”

It is also a recognition of the Kingdom’s prominent position on the international scene, as well as its status as a reliable and credible partner that assumes its responsibilities towards the international community, he added.

Expressing the House of Representatives’ great pride in Morocco’s majority election to the presidency of this UN organizatio
n, Joudar pointed out that this represents the consideration and recognition of the various efforts made by the Kingdom and the policies it is implementing to consolidate the rule of law and respect for human rights, as an irreversible choice reinforced in the 2011 Constitution.

“This historic achievement would not have been possible without the far-sighted vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and the attention paid by the Sovereign to the issue of human rights since His accession to the Throne,” he stressed, expressing the readiness and mobilization of the House of Representatives to continue contributing to consolidating the Kingdom’s influence and distinguished place in the international human rights system, under the wise leadership of HM the King.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse