HH the Amir’s Speeches at UNGA: Manifestation of Qatar’s Commitment to Global Peace


Doha: HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani’s commitment to attending the annual sessions of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) emphasizes the State of Qatar’s dedication to its international responsibilities and the positive image of Qatar and its people, as well as its civilizational and humanitarian role regarding various global issues and challenges as well as towards friendly and brotherly peoples.

HH the Amir’s speeches at the United Nations conveys numerous local, Arab, international, and humanitarian messages, affirming that Qatar has been and will continue to safe safeguard rights, uphold commitments, aid those in need, support the oppressed, stand for truth and justice, respect neighbors’ rights, and adhere to values and ethics. Additionally, Qatar presents a bright model of a secure and stable state capable of achieving high development rates and providing the highest standards of living for its people and residents.

HH the Amir’s speeches have also demonstrated that Qatar prioritiz
es contributing to the peaceful resolution of conflicts, including proposing ideas for collective security, as there can be no security, stability, development, or dignified human life in the presence of conflicts.

Additionally, HH the Amir’s speeches presented insightful strategic visions and effective humanitarian initiatives, highlighting Qatar’s commitment to global peace, justice, harmony, and economic growth, as well as promoting dialogue, discussion, and diplomacy to resolve wars and crises around the world.

During the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), HH the Amir said, “in Qatar, we have had a dream that our country would be one of the prosperous nations whose people would enjoy well-being and prosperity, and we invested decades of planning and comprehensive development work to make this dream come true. We have achieved a lot, thanks to God, and the solidarity of everyone in Qatar. While investing in liquefied gas was a leverage to realize this dream, this investment has enabled us to pl
ay an important role in addressing the energy challenge around the world with a realistic vision that takes into account the world needs for a diverse mix of different energy sources by using the highest levels of advanced technology which is, at the same time, environmentally friendly.” Arab concerns, especially the Palestinian cause, occupied significant place in HH the Amir’s speeches before the UNGA. His Highness has consistently emphasized the just nature of the Palestinian cause and the right of its people to freedom, independence, and the establishment of their own state. He has repeatedly criticized the international community’s failure to take effective steps against Israeli intransigence, the ongoing occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories, the suffocating blockade on the Gaza Strip, and the continuous expansion of settlement policies. His Highness has stressed that it is not acceptable for the Palestinian people to remain prisoners of the Israeli settler occupation arbitrariness, and the rej
ection of any just political solution in accordance with the principles of international legitimacy by successive Israeli governments.

In his speeches at the United Nations, HH the Amir called on the international community – especially the Security Council – to assume its legal responsibility and compel Israel to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip and put the peace process back on track through credible negotiations based on international resolutions and not force, address all final status issues, end the occupation within a specific period of time, establish an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, and end the Israeli occupation of all occupied Arab territories.

HH the Amir stressed that Israel must realize that the security of its people will only be achieved through peace, and that the occupation is destined to disappear, and that it must know that oppression and the policy of fait accompli do not create security. His Highness pointed out that within the fra
mework of the State of Qatar’s efforts to create the appropriate environment to achieve peace and respond to the economic and humanitarian difficulties facing our brothers in Palestine, Doha continued in coordination with international partners to provide humanitarian and development support to address urgent and long-term needs in the besieged Gaza Strip, in addition to enhancing its contributions to UNRWA.

On Syria, HH the Amir said that it is not permissible to condone the gross injustice that has befallen the brotherly Syrian people as if it’s destiny. The crisis is still awaiting a comprehensive settlement through a political process leading to a political transition, in accordance with the Geneva Declaration-1 and the Security Council Resolution 2254, in a way that meets the Syrian people’s aspirations while maintaining Syria’s integrity, sovereignty and independence.

His Highness expressed sorrow on the outbreak of violence in Sudan, which has left a dire impact on the Sudanese people and exacerbated
refugee crisis, adding during the 78th UNGA, “We condemn the crimes perpetrated against civilians in the capital Khartoum and the Darfur region, and we call for holding perpetrators to account. We also call for cessation of fighting, resort to the voice of reason, and spare civilians the consequences of fighting. We affirm our support for all regional and international efforts to facilitate reaching a ceasefire and hold a dialogue between the Sudanese political forces about the future of Sudan, with only one army charged with protecting rather than ruling the country.” Regarding Lebanon, HH the Amir stressed the importance of finding a sustainable solution to the political vacuum, introducing mechanisms that thwart its recurrence, and forming a government capable of addressing the aspirations of the Lebanese people and getting them out of their economic and developmental crises, expressing regret for the long suffering of this brotherly people due to political and personal calculations..

On Yemen, HH the Ami
r, in all his speeches, underscored the State of Qatar’s keenness on the unity of Yemen and the integrity of its territories, calling for the crisis to be resolved in accordance with the resolutions of the National Dialogue, the Gulf Initiative, and the relevant Security Council resolutions.

Concerning the Libyan issue, HH the Amir reiterated Qatar’s unwavering support for the efforts of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, and his efforts to achieve tangible results to resolve Libyan crisis.

In HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani’s speech at the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, which marked the 50th anniversary of Qatar joining the United Nations on September 21, 1971, His Highness said that during the past five decades, the relationship between Qatar and the international organization has been characterized by close cooperation and the establishment of exemplary partnerships in various fields. Qatar’s bet on international
institutions and multilateral cooperation is a strategic one. The speeches reflected Qatar’s pride in its partnership with the United Nations, especially with the inauguration of the United Nations House in Doha and Qatar’s hosting of several international conferences such as the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5). His speeches also noted that Qatar has become one of the largest supporting partners of the United Nations across various fields. Qatar’s developmental and humanitarian contributions have extended to over 100 countries worldwide. Additionally, Qatar supports more than 10 million children globally and is preparing 1.2 million Arab youth to be active and productive members of their communities. During HH the Amir’s participation in the 75th Session of UNGA, His Highness delivered a speech at the meeting held in New York on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, stressing that this step represented a great hope for mankind in th
e aftermath of the disasters of the Second World War, pointing out that the United Nations has made a great stride in achieving the goals agreed upon by the international community, and has been able over the past decades to make many contributions for the advancement of humanity, saving millions of people and changing their lives for the better. But it is still falling short of finding the necessary mechanisms to impose its principles on its members, while the right of might still outweighs the might of right in different regions of the world. HH the Amir’s speeches also addressed the importance of achieving comprehensive reform, particularly regarding representation in the UN Security Council as well as the mechanisms of implementing its resolutions, avoidance of double standards in implementation, and review of internal regulations that correlate common security issues with the positions of each of the five major states. In the context of ensuring the security and stability of the Gulf region specifically,
and the Middle East in general, and protecting them from nuclear threats and dangers, His Highness emphasized in his speeches at the United Nations that the State of Qatar believes in the necessity of reaching a fair agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. On Afghanistan, HH the Amir said that the State of Qatar continue to coordinate international efforts and facilitate dialogue between the United Nations, the countries concerned, and the caretaker government of Afghanistan to ensure compliance with the Doha Agreement, in a way that ensures non-recurrence of past mistakes, in order to prevent Afghanistan from sliding into a difficult-to-manage humanitarian crisis and to ensure that the Afghan people receive the international support and assistance they need, and enjoy human rights, particularly minority rights and women’s rights in education and work. Recognizing the risks arising from the war in Ukraine and its negative global impacts on vital areas such as energy and food, and in the absence of a permane
nt political solution, HH the Amir reiterated the call on all parties to comply with the United Nations Charter and the international law, respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and resort to a radical peaceful solution that is based on these principles. HH the Amir also emphasized that the path to resolve conflicts through peaceful means is a long and strenuous path, but it is less costly than wars, pointing out that Qatar’s commitment to continue its efforts in facilitating and making peace is a firm commitment deeply rooted in the core of its foreign policy. Counterterrorism is a priority in Qatar’s policy at the national, regional, and international levels. His Highness addressed this issue multiple times in his speeches before the international organization, affirming that terrorism remains one of the most prominent challenges facing the world as it poses a real threat to international peace and security, and impedes achieving sustainable development for peoples. His Highness’s spee
ches at the United Nations have illustrated that Qatar spare no effort to actively participate in international and regional efforts to address this phenomenon and tackle its roots, especially by supporting education for millions of children, youth and women and creating job opportunities for young men. Additionally, His Highness’s speeches have indicated that eradicating terrorism requires a comprehensive approach that includes addressing its political, economic, and social roots alongside security and military actions, and that it is crucial to distinguish between terrorism and resistance to occupation.

On climate change, His Highness the Amir’s speeches have demonstrated that the State of Qatar has embraced its responsibility as an active partner in the international community to address climate change. In 2012, Qatar hosted the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) and the Doha Carbon and Energy Forum (DCEF). Qatar has also made significant efforts to ensure the success of the Paris Cl
imate Agreement negotiations in 2015. The country has undertaken numerous measures to develop climate-friendly technologies, adopt clean energy, and diversify its energy sources to include a varied mix of sustainable sources such as solar energy, hydrogen, wind power, and hydrocarbon resources. Additionally, Qatar focuses on optimal water use, improving air quality, recycling waste, and increasing green spaces. During the Climate Action Summit held on the sidelines of the 74th Session of the UNGA, His Highness the Amir announced Qatar’s contribution of $100 million to support least developed countries and small island developing states to address climate change and environmental challenges and building capacity to confront their devastating effects. Regarding the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and the role of sports in fostering connections between countries and people, His Highness the Amir said during his speech at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly that, during the 2022 World Cup “there was
an opportunity for interaction between peoples, and for the world to see our people as they are, to learn about some aspects of our culture and values, besides Qatar’s stature as a global destination and nexus between East and West, and we emphasized the role that sport plays in building bridges of communication and rapprochement between peoples and cultures. I hope that we have contributed, through this tournament, to breaking the stereotypes, and presented a new exciting and safe tournaments’ formula to the world.” During the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, His Highness the Amir, addressed the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused millions of victims and countless humanitarian, social, and economic crises. HH the Amir said that this “difficult test, which humanity is continuing to face, has revealed the flaws and vulnerabilities in our collective security system, meanwhile it has inspired us with many lessons, namely, the importance of balancing the concern for people’s health
and maintaining the economic cycle that secures at the same time their livelihoods, as well as the importance of integration between the indispensable role of the State within its borders, on the one hand, and its role in confronting cross-border issues and joint commitments to confront challenges, crises and disasters, on the other hand.” His Highness pointed out that Qatar, in line with its commitment to global humanitarian efforts, provided assistance to over 60 countries and five international organizations, and actively participated in international efforts to mobilize resources and energy to address the pandemic and its consequences. His Highness the Amir’s speeches have addressed many global humanitarian issues, such as the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing reliance on it, which open unprecedented horizons for human progress. Science and technology are key to increasing productivity and improving the quality of human life. However, His Highness cautioned in his speeches that celebratin
g technological means without responsible consideration of their intended purposes has led to major disasters, such as the use of nuclear weapons, dangerous experiments on humans, and genocide in concentration camps. His Highness emphasized the importance of keeping pace with and encourage scientific and technological advancements and removing barriers between countries in this field. He warned against ignoring the growing risks associated with issues such as reality manipulation, invasion of individuals’ privacy, disruption of the educational process through plagiarism facilitation, and the amplification of misleading propaganda and deception tools. His Highness called for cooperation and investment in developing these technologies to unify efforts in preventing the misuse of cyberspace and regulating this vital area in accordance with international law.

Source: Qatar News Agency