Government Forum to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Middle East Kicks Off -2-


For his part, HE Dr. Hatem Ali, Regional Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for the GCC states, stressed the importance of the government forum to combat trafficking in persons, as it is a platform for exchanging expertise, experiences, policies and strategies developed by member states in facing the challenge targeting the countries of the region.

He indicated that the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime will work with the government forum to implement the recommendations that emerged from the previous sessions and the recommendations that will emerge from the fourth session, indicating that there are many achievements at the level of the countries of the region with regard to combating cases and crimes of trafficking in persons, especially since the region is one of the most Areas facing challenges in facing human trafficking crimes.

Through the existence of national and international coordination, the gathering of people, and the exchange of experiences, so that it is a product of true partnership and best practice in dealing with various forms of human trafficking crimes.

In addition, Iman Erekat, Head of Mission of the International Organization for Migration in Qatar, affirmed that the State of Qatar provided a positive and encouraging model in combating human trafficking and made steady strides in this field.

Erekat said that every year thousands of men, women and children fall prey to traffickers in the countries of origin, transit and destination, noting that the category of immigrants remains the most vulnerable and vulnerable to the dangers of human trafficking, as human traffickers give their victims fake promises and false work contracts.

Although major sporting events are a meeting place for cultures and a source of human and civilized exchange, they contribute to increasing the risks of human trafficking, explaining that sporting events in all countries that attract large audiences are considered an incubating and encouraging environment for traffickers, as cases of exploitation abound, and events are often accompanied with International sports, with huge infrastructure construction projects, require a large workforce, she said.

She indicated that the International Organization for Migration began working in the field of combating trafficking in persons when we encountered migrants for the first time living in slavery-like conditions in southeastern Europe in the mid-1990s, and at that time little was known about this modern form of slavery, indicating that the actors were Few, slight funding, and modest initiatives at the time.

She emphasized the need for comprehensive measures to address the issue, encompassing public awareness, legal prosecution, victim protection, institutional capacity development, and research. She highlighted the support of the International Organization for Migration in assisting governments through its global expertise in identifying victims, responding to trafficking cases, providing assistance, and contributing to the formulation of cohesive anti-trafficking policies.

In her turn, the Deputy Head of Mission at the US Embassy, Natalie Baker, appreciated the efforts made by the State of Qatar during its hosting of the World Cup in the field of combating human trafficking, praising the reforms it introduced in the work system and combating human trafficking.

She emphasized that the concerned departments in the United States of America are looking forward to increasing communication with the National Committee for Combating Human Trafficking to combat this crime, stressing the role of law enforcement and judicial authorities in applying laws to get rid of them.

The Envoy for Migration and Modern Slavery at the Office of the Foreign Commonwealth and Development in the United Kingdom, Stephen Malby, lauded the efforts made by the Qatari government in combating the crime of human trafficking through the reforms and legislation it introduced in the work environment, stressing his country’s commitment to partnership with the State of Qatar to combat this crime.

He called for the formation of an international team to raise awareness and publicize this crime, stressing the UK’s readiness to provide assistance in efforts to combat human trafficking.

Source: Qatar News Agency