Final statement of meeting of foreign ministers of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq


The foreign ministers of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq concluded their meeting held in the Jordanian capital, Amman and issued the final statement, the key points of which were:

cooperation between Syria, the countries involved and the UN in formulating a comprehensive strategy to improve security and fight terrorism.

Ending the presence of terrorist organizations in Syrian territories.

Support Syria and its institutions to establish control over all its territories and impose the rule of law.

Ending the presence of armed groups and terrorists on Syrian land, and stop foreign interference in Syrian domestic affairs, in accordance with the provisions of international law and the United Nations Charter.

Agree on effective steps to address security challenges related to border security by establishing effective coordination mechanisms between Syrian military and security institutions and their counterparts in neighboring countries.

Forming a technical team at the expert level to follow up on the results of this meeting and determine the next steps in the context of this path that aims to solve the crisis in Syria

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency