As Educational Circles Prepare for New Academic Year, Experts Confirm to QNA Importance of Moral, Psychological Support for Students


As the new academic year (2024-2025) approaches, enthusiasm is rising in educational circles, as students, parents, and faculty members eagerly await the return to school, after a summer vacation full of family activities, to begin a new academic phase full of scientific and academic achievements in preparation for a successful start to an academic year that includes various opportunities and achievements.

The academic year will kick off on Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024, after a major preparation campaign by many students and their parents, through preparing educational plans and programs, to achieve accomplishments and reap educational fruits that contribute to the student’s development on the academic and personal levels.

As part of the preparations of students and their parents, many faculty members stressed the importance of adopting new educational methods that are in line and consistent with the modern educational system and that keep pace with developments, in addition to addressing the shortcomings and gaps
that the student went through during the past academic year to achieve scientific progress during the new year, which is a real opportunity to adopt a promising approach to development and creativity.

In this context, educational experts and child health experts stressed the importance of providing full support to students during the new academic year in terms of physical and psychological health and avoiding practices that lead to physical and psychological stress, while providing an appropriate environment free from psychological pressures, in addition to educational plans that contribute to organizing their time in studying and participating in educational activities in conjunction with practicing the recreational activities they need from time to time so that they do not feel bored or lazy by continuing to perform school duties and tasks assigned to them by faculty members.

They highlighted the importance of parents’ awareness by encouraging their children, drawing positive steps to achieve their goals,
and monitoring their level and academic achievement without resorting to intimidation methods that undermine their self-confidence and leave undesirable consequences.

They noted the need for parents to encourage their student children by providing them with full support to raise their morale, which would enhance their strength points and address weaknesses when they occur.

In this context, Head of Pediatrics Department and Director of Pediatric Emergency at Hamad Medical Corporation Dr. Mohammad Al Amri urged parents to follow up periodically and continuously as well as to check on their children’s level regularly, and not to follow methods that cause psychological pressure on them, especially high school students. He stressed the need to provide comfort and full support to the students, encourage them, and give them hope for excellence without resorting to threats and intimidation.

In his remarks to Qatar News Agency (QNA), Al Amri indicated that the process of preparing and planning for any work is the f
irst step to success, especially since the education sector is built on specific plans for students.

He urged students to organize their time and distribute it within a well-thought-out plan between reviewing lessons and the rest time they need.

He noted the importance of the family following up on this plan and the method of implementing it, in preparation for addressing all obstacles and impediments facing the student, whether through psychological or practical support throughout the year, in addition to the importance of communicating with the school on an ongoing basis.

He pointed out that the best educational methods come through follow-up and planning, providing a healthy family atmosphere for the student, listening to him and solving all the problems he faces as soon as possible, and providing psychological support and continuous encouragement without intimidation or fear.

He added that the family should follow up on the students’ academic progress and listen to teachers’ advise to know their stren
gths and amplify them, and their weaknesses to address them in cooperation with the teaching staff.

On another note, educational expert and Qatar University faculty member Dr. Ahmed Jassim Al Saei stressed the importance of students’ psychological readiness to start the new academic year, something that reflects significantly on students’ class attendance and participation in social activities at school, especially improved by the school organizing orientation meetings and activities.

Dr. Al Saei told QNA that students can be made psychologically ready for the new school year by having parents and guardians exciting them about being part of a community and rejoining their friends and peers, celebrating their successes, achieving progress, and moving from one level to the next.

The educational expert and Qatar University faculty member gave some tips to raise students readiness for school, including going to bed early, working hard on homework, not postponing tasks, paying attention in class, and not being
late to lessons.

Dr. Al Saei stressed parents and guardians’ central role in caring for their children, organizing their time, encouraging them to study, and assisting them whenever necessary.

He also underscored the importance of daily study to facilitate understanding and retention of materials covered while still fresh, adding that this should persist throughout the academic year.

In a related context, educational and psychological counseling expert Dr. Moza Al Malki urged parents and guardians to set ground rules for their children at the beginning of the new academic year and ensure that their children follow through on them.

However, she stressed that this must be done in a way that avoids putting students under stress and pressure in order not to make them anxious about returning to school.

She added that students must be motivated to return to studying and being active after the summer break.

Dr. Al Malki told QNA that a study plan must be employed for the new academic year to outline study time
s, set learning goals and controls, and manage time, with this plan having to be flexible and adaptable to any developments or shortcomings that might occur.

Dr. Al Malki said that parents and guardians should give advice and provide guidance continuously in addition to assisting and encouraging their children to develop and succeed, however, to also constantly monitor their childrens performance, behaviors, and relationships, and maintain consistent communication with the school and ensure receiving timely reports on students progress, in order to tackle any misbehavior or issues in collaboration with teachers and the school administration.

The educational and psychological counseling expert said that students must play sport or engage in physical activity in order for them to prevent fatigue and stress, enhance their mental abilities, increase focus and positive energy, and reduce high levels of negative energy.

She stressed the importance of regular attendance for optimal benefit, in addition to setting
learning goals and receiving constant encouragement.

Dr. Moza Al Malki concluded her remarks to QNA by saying that students psychological preparedness is crucial to set the tone for new academic year and promote success, encouraging students to make best use of their effort, time, and resources.

Source: Qatar News Agency