Arab-Iranian Dialogue Conference Participants Assert Dialogue Crucial for Peace and Development


Participants in the 2nd round of the Arab-Iranian Dialogue Conference that began in Doha today under the theme “Approaches and Solutions to Security, Economy and Crises” stressed the importance of Arab-Iranian relations in achieving security, stability, and development in the region, stressing the need to create constructive mechanisms for dialogue in accordance with the principles and foundations of mutual respect, good neighborliness, non-interference in countries’ internal affairs, as well as resolving disputes by peaceful means.

In this regard, Assistant Secretary-General for Political and Negotiation Affairs of the Gulf Cooperation Council Dr. Abdel Aziz Hamad Aluwaisheg said in his speech during the opening session that Iran has a lot of factors, resources, a promising youth, and researchers to achieve economic growth in the region in partnership with its neighbors, an end that requires building trust and addressing obstacles. Aluwaisheg added that the Arab and Iranian peoples aspire for security and stability to prevail in the Gulf and the Arab regions, as well as aspire for Arab-Iranian relations to regain their human depth.

Aluwaisheg explained that whilst there are many disputed issues, yet at the same time there are mutual economic and strategic interests in light of the historical bonds and cultural commonalities, to resolve differences and manage disagreements through political and diplomatic means.

He said the Gulf security is an integral part of Arab security and the security of all Arab countries, noting that the Gulf security is an international requirement, especially since this region is in the middle of global trade lines between East and West, as well as it possesses energy resources that the world needs in addition to the waterways in the Gulf and Red Sea.

He pointed out that the GCC countries prefer to enhance the prosperity of their citizens, achieve development in all its social, human and economic dimensions, and achieve economic diversification necessary for sustainability instead of wasting economic resources on regional conflicts.

Aluwaisheg reviewed the size of the GCC economy which exceeded USD 2 trillion for the first time in its history, making this economy the eighth internationally and the fastest growing globally. He expected the continuity of this growth over the next few years in light of security and stability and the creation of the investment environment.

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Dr. Adel Abdul Mahdi said that Arab-Iranian relations are not an option, but rather a necessity and a reality that imposes itself, stressing that severing ties and spreading differences create effects and damages that reflect negatively on everyone. He added that the return of relations achieves positive results, especially since the interests and concerns of the region are common, noting that the Arab region has created the greatest, most open and acceptable civilizations.

Chairman of the Iranian Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Dr. Kamal Kharrazi expressed his hope that the desired goals of the second round of the Arab-Iranian Dialogue Conference in Doha will be achieved, and that a common understanding between Iran and the Arabs will be reached, especially in the security and economic fields.

Director of the Al Jazeera Studies Center Mohammed Mokhtar Al Khalil said that the desired goal of this conference lies in achieving two goals related to Arabs and Iranians listening to each other directly and managing their dialogue on their own, hoping that this platform will be reformist and conciliatory dialogue, while noting that whatever the differences and wars are, they must be solved through dialogue.

The opening session was attended by HE Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al Jazeera Media Network Sheikh Hamad bin Thamer Al-Thani, a number of senior officials and representatives of diplomatic missions in the country and a group of experts and academics.

Source: Qatar News Agency