Arab and International Condemnations Continue against Israeli Aggression on Jenin


Arab and international condemnations of the persistent Israeli aggression against Jenin City and its camps in the West Bank have continued as the ongoing assault has so far claimed the lives of 9 Palestinians and left nearly 100 others injured, in addition to the devastation of property and infrastructure.

In their condemnation statements, Arab and Islamic states, alongside international organizations warned against the grave dangers of the persistent Israeli escalation against the Palestinians, stressing that the international community must act urgently to provide essential protection to the Palestinian people and compel the Israeli entity to halt its blatant violations of the international law and force it to respect the resolutions of international legitimacy.

In this contest, Algeria strongly condemned the aggression perpetrated by the occupation forces in Jenin City and its camps which resulted in the fall of many innocent victims, calling for stopping these military operations immediately which flagrantly violate all international laws and norms, as well as the most fundamental humanitarian values.

In its statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria expressed permanent solidarity with the Palestinian people to espouse their just cause in ending the occupation of their territory and establishing their independent state with the Holy Jerusalem as its capital, reiterating its call to the international community, especially the UN Security Council to uphold its political and legal responsibility to ensure international protection for the Palestinian people and hold those responsible for the series of crimes accountable which the occupation has been perpetrating with impunity and without deterrence or accountability.

Tunisia strongly condemned what it called military operations and recurrent assaults being carried out by the Israeli entity in the Palestinian territories, especially Jenin City and its camps in the West Bank which resulted in several martyrdoms and injured in a flagrant violation of international legitimacy resolutions and all international norms and human rights charters.

In a statement, the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated its utmost rejection to brutal assaults and systematic practices perpetrated by the occupation authority against the Palestinian people, calling on the international community and UN Security Council to shoulder their responsibility over the constant injustice inflicted upon the Palestinians and end the grave escalatory steps taken by the brutal occupation forces and prevent them from acting as a force above accountability and UN charters.

Lebanon also condemned the Israeli aggression against Jenin which targets all inhabitants where shelling through fighter jets and heavy weapons is used to intentionally harm civilians, prevent medical aid and lay a siege around the camp.

The Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs saluted the resilience of the Palestinian people in their adherence to defend their territory and legitimate rights, reiterating its call to the international community to uphold its responsibility in ramping up pressure on the aggressor to stop the aggression and protect the defenseless civilians in order to prevent escalation and protect regional and international peace and security.

In a statement, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned the Israeli forces’ storming of Jenin City in the occupied West Bank, expressing its concern over the current tension in the region that would unleash new spate of violence and attacks.

At the international level, Deputy Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General Farhan Haq said the international organization calls for stopping all attacks on residential areas and avoid any attacks on hospitals and civilian infrastructure.

Source: Qatar News Agency