An outstanding student appeals to charitable people to help him complete his university studies


Muhannad is in his fourth year of study at the university. He obtained a 95% average in high school and was able to enroll in the College of Engineering, to obtain in all his semesters the distinction of “Academic Excellence” and to be on the honor board and among the top students in the college. However, all of that He was unable to obtain a scholarship to continue his educational career without worry.

Muhannad is from a needy family. The father abandoned his family and there is no breadwinner for the family. He and his sister are forced to work outside of their university work to provide the basics of the house, including food and drink, in addition to the monthly house rent, which amounts to a thousand shekels. His mother suffers from high blood pressure and heart diseases, and her health condition is unstable.

Muhannad hopes to continue his university studies until he obtains a university degree that will provide him and his family with a better future. He would like to register for his first semester and may lose his university seat if his university fees of 5,225 shekels are not available.

To provide assistance, please call 0597032595. Thank you

Source: Maan News Agency