
The Association of Automobile Importers (AIA), which includes accredited representatives in Lebanon for all automotive manufacturers worldwide, reminds Lebanese consumers of the necessity to ensure obtaining the manufacturer’s warranty, valid in Lebanon, before purchasing any new car, including electric and hybrid ones.

When purchasing these new cars without going through an authorized representative, the consumers put both their safety and investment at risk. The warranties offered by some sellers to consumers are merely personal warranties without any value, as they are not issued by the manufacturer nor binding on them. Additionally, they do not provide regular and periodic updates to the vehicle’s system, do not ensure genuine spare parts and lack professional and trained maintenance. In the same line, the association notes that the manufacturer’s warranty is limited to specific geographical areas or countries and cannot be extended to other countries.

In conclusion, the association emphasizes that onl
y cars sold by authorized agents of the global manufacturers in Lebanon have reliable warranties, guaranteeing access to genuine replacement parts, especially for electric and hybrid vehicle batteries. These cars undergo regular maintenance by qualified engineers and specialists, including recall campaigns and continuous monitoring of electronic systems and programming.

AIA brings together authorized representatives of all global automotive manufacturers in Lebanon. The association aims to raise awareness among Lebanese consumers about their rights, especially their right to request a manufacturer’s warranty at the time of purchase. Since 1923, it has responsibly acted for regulating the market and importation of new vehicles in Lebanon, leveraging the experience of its member companies to serve consumers, ensuring their protection and safety while contributing to sector development.

Source: National news agency – Lebanon