Aala: Palestinians must be provided with conditions of steadfastness, more pressure must be exerted on Israel


Cairo, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the Arab League, Hussam Edin Aala, said that the Israeli occupation, with the support of the US and the West, continues its genocidal war against the Palestinians, and seeks to engage the region into an open warfare.

Delivering a speech in the extraordinary meeting of the League held at the level of permanent delegates and convened upon a request from Palestine to discuss ways of halting the Israeli war, Aala noted that this requires the Arab countries to enable the Palestinians to possess the capabilities to remain steadfast and put more pressure on the UN agencies, especially the UNSC, to stop the Israeli aggression.

Aala added the Israeli occupation entity is going on in its systematic genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza and throughout the occupied Palestinian territory, in implementation of its declared goals of imposing forced displacement.

He pointed out that the statements of the occupation leaders clearly demonstrate their rejection of the estab
lishment of a Palestinian state, and their insistence to implement plans to deport Palestinians outside their homeland, in collusion with the US and its allies, the issue that places these countries in the position of accomplices in the crimes of the Israeli occupation, through their comprehensive support.

In light of this Western support, and its failure to achieve its declared goals, the Israeli occupation entity seeks to plunge the region into an open regional war, by expanding the circle of its attacks on Syrian and Lebanese lands, Aala went on to say, pointing out that the Israeli aggression, which targeted a residential building in a neighborhood of Damascus last Saturday, confirms the criminal nature of this entity and its disregard for international laws.

Ambassador Aala notified: ‘In this context, Syria looks forward to a clear and firm stance of solidarity by the Arab League countries in condemning this Israeli attack, along with holding Israel responsible for its consequences’

‘The message of th
e League must be clear, and the Arab countries will not allow the liquidation of the Palestinian Question’, Aala stressed adding that the continued complicity with the Israeli aggression and plans for the forced displacement of Palestinians strips credibility from any alleged peaceful proposals promoted by the US and its allies.

He underlined that Syria is in this regard expresses its full support for the draft resolution submitted by Palestine for adoption at the conclusion of this meeting.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency