CCTV+: New Hong Kong chief executive sworn in

BEIJING, July 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — John Lee was sworn in as Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Friday morning, as Hong Kong marks the 25th anniversary of its return to China. Lee took his oath before Chinese President Xi Jinping, who oversaw the swearing-in ceremony. “I, John Lee, swear that, in […]

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5G-Advanced Takes Off, Opening a New Chapter for 5G Globally

BEIJING, July 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A news report by C114 on the topic of 5G-Advanced, which has been the focus of discussion during the recent World Telecom Day event: During this year’s World Telecommunication Day, the topic of 5G evolution attracted many operators’ attention and discussion. After unveiling 5G-Advanced last year, the 3GPP determined […]

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Antaisolar launches new BIPV product, propels zero-carbon transformation of buildings

XIAMEN, China, July 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On June 29th, Antaisolar, the leading supplier of the whole industry chain in PV mounting system, held a new product launch online event. At this event, Antaisolar’s new product Taiyang Roof, a building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) product, was officially released. “As the whole society attaches importance to low-carbon development, […]

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Cross-Generation Experience Is the Foundation for 5G Success and 5G Is on the Fast Lane in Latin America

CANCUN, Mexico, July 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei hosted the Latin America ICT Congress (LATAM ICT Congress) with the support of GSMA Intelligence and ITU. The event gathered network operators, industry organizations, and equipment vendors from across the region to discuss “The Road of 5G: Lighting Up Digital LATAM” and exchange ideas on how 5G can […]

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‫ فتاة عراقية تبلغ من العمر 9 سنوات تم تشخيصها باضطراب الدم النادر وتم علاجها بنجاح في مستشفيات مانيبال، دلهي

بغداد ونيودلهي1 يوليو / تموز 2022/PRNewswire/ —  في حالة حديثة، نجح الأطباء في مستشفيات مانيبال في دلهي في علاج مريضة تبلغ من العمر 9 سنوات من العراق كانت تعاني من مرض نادر يسمى فقر الدم الماسي الأسود الذي يظهر علي أنه فقر الدم اللاتنسجي ظهرت عليها نسبة منخفضة من الهيموجلوبين، وصفائح دموية منخفضة، ونسبة منخفضة […]

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